Saturday, July 28, 2012

Bridal Lingerie- An Evolution

In spirits of attending my very 1st Bridal Expo today, which happens to be in LA (200 vendors, wow) I thought it would be cute to share the Evolution of Bridal Lingerie. My Fiance and Boi Meets Play creator, Shae Archer shared this with me. I adored it, and was sure my fellow Femmes would too. I <3 Lingerie!! (so do the bois ;) ). Enjoy!!
 Peace, Love and Femme Realness xox
- Aliya Valentine


The link to the blog where this pic was found is

Also, for you bois, or for anyone curious, be sure to check out
for different tips on dating, fashion, exercise...etc

A special thank you to my baby, for always thinking of me, and sharing random little things she knows I'll love <3 <3

Friday, July 27, 2012

*Facebook Treasures*

Found this on facebook and just had to share. Happy Friday dear Femmes, allies and supporters. In other words, HAPPY FRIDAY WORLD!!!! <3
I'm also very excited that Ms. Natasha Del Sol will be coming back from her cruise with her partner today. Here's wishing them a safe return <3

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

"...then SHE said..."

Femmes, we're almost all guilty of this-

"Your mum's sister's cousin's father's daughter's adopted son's father's ex-wife told me you got married to Eve."   - Pappa Razi on Gossip

That's right, you guessed it, GOSSIP. The sinful yet at times delightful pastime. It is very common in social gatherings to have a bit of gossiping going on (that includes you masculine-of-center folk too!!). Working in a place of 100+ women, Natasha and I both find ourselves encountering it often, and are even guilty of it at times. However I quite often tend to hear people say "I'm not gossiping, i'm venting". So what's the difference? When does Venting become Gossiping? and when does gossiping go from harmless to harmful?

Definitions (based on

Rumor or talk of a personal, sensational, or intimate nature
Trivial, chatty talk, or writing
A person who habitually spreads intimate or private rumors or facts

To express (one's thoughts or feelings, for example), especially forcefully
A means of escape or release from confinement; an outlet: to give vent to one's anger

What's the difference?

* If you are talking about things that don't directly affect you (like someone else's affair)... That is Gossiping

* If you are discussing things with others about a person/group that has not been confirmed as fact or that is private... That is Gossiping

* If you talk to anyone who will listen to your problem with said person/group... That is Gossiping

* If you confide your woes to a given person regarding another person/group in hopes of reaching a SOLUTION... That is Venting

*??* It is debateable that it is considered Gossiping if you confide in someone who knows the person/group you are talking about , even if your intent is to find a solution. Whereas if you do so with a third party, someone unbiased, then it is Venting. I'm torn on this one...what do YOU think??

Basically, gossiping is more about self satisfaction, whereas venting is more about finiding a solution therefore extending beyond the self.

When does Gossip go from harmless to harmful?

This is subjective really, as what one person may consider harmless another may consider harmful.
Many of us are guilty of gossiping to loved ones about people we run into, coworkers, friends, lovers...etc GENERALLY without malicious intent in our hearts. Some of us enjoy some celebrity gossip here and there, I confess if it has to do with Jennifer Aniston and Angelina Jolie I will read it!! and now Katie Holmes/Crazy Tom split. What it comes down to is, we are all adults capable of making our own judgement calls. For the time being I have taken it upon myself to drop my occasional gossiping about people I know... Now hand me that People's Magazine!!!!

-Written by: Aliya Valentine

Mission Statement


Natasha Del Sol
Aliya Valentine
At *Les Femmes* we seek to create a safe place for all those Femme identified .Though mainly targeting the LGBTQ community, we want to include ALL allies, & for any Bois tuning in , here is a peek into the Femme psyche..respect & make good use of it!! Our goal is to provide a way of networking to build an empowering , supportive & non judgemental community .We want to create that fun enticing yet relaxed feel that one gets from gathering to catch up with the girls .It is an open floor & no topic goes untouched!! Be it fashion , sex , recipes , dating/relationships , DIY tips , the arts , literature , drinks , food , sports for our sport loving femmes , advice... anything & everything , share share share!! Intolerance will NOT be tolerated , take what works for you & leave what doesn't . This is OUR haven , OUR space!! Femmes , on behalf of Natasha Del Sol & Myself (Aliya Valentine) Welcome!! We look forward to learning from & growing with you!! Much love & respect to all <3 Merci xox